7 research outputs found

    Analysis of Internet Diffusion in Italy by means of domain names among firms, associations and individuals

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    This paper analyzes Internet diffusion among a number of organizations and individuals, based on daily observation of second-level domain names registrations under the ".it" ccTLD. In particular, we analyzed domain names registered by associations, firms and individuals. The penetration rate, calculated according to the population, was computed for various widely separated geographic levels (provinces and regions). Results show that a "digital divide" exists in terms of geographical distribution (i.e., in macro-areas - Northern, Central, and Southern Italy - at a regional level and at a provincial level) and that such geographical distribution is more concentrated compared to Italian population and total income, suggesting a diffusive effect

    Measuring and modelling Internet diffusion using second level domains: the case of Italy

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    The last 10 years witnessed an exponential growth of the Internet. According to Hobbes' Internet Timeline, the Internet hosts are about 93 million, while in 1989 they were 100,000. The same happens for second level domain names. In July 1989 the registered domains were about 3,900 while they were over 2 million in July 2000. This paper reports about the construction of a database containing daily observations on registrations of second level domain names underneath the it ccTLD in order to analyse the diffusion of Internet among families and businesses. The section of the database referring to domains registered by individuals is analysed. The penetration rate over the relevant population of potential adopters is computed at highly disaggregated geographical level (province). A concentration analysis is carried out to investigate whether the geographical distribution of Internet is less concentrated than population and income suggesting a diffusive effect. Regression analysis is carried out using demographic, social, economic and infrastructure indicators. Finally we briefly describe the further developments of our research. At the present we are constructing a database containing domains registered by firms together with data about the registrants; the idea is to use this new database and the previous one in order to check for the existence of power laws both in the number of domains registered in each province and in the number of domains registered by each firm.Domain names, Internet metrics, Diffusion, Power laws, Zipf s law

    Measuring and modelling Internet diffusion

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    The last 10 years witnessed an exponential growth of the Internet. According to Hobbes\u27 Internet Timeline, the Internet hosts are about 93 million, while in 1989 they were 100,000. The same happens for second level domain names. In July 1989 the registered domains were about 3,900 while they were over 2 million in July 2000. This paper reports about the construction of a database containing daily observations on registrations of second level domain names underneath the it ccTLD in order to analyse the diffusion of Internet among families and businesses. The section of the database referring to domains registered by individuals is analysed. The penetration rate over the relevant population of potential adopters is computed at highly disaggregated geographical level (province). A concentration analysis is carried out to investigate whether the geographical distribution of Internet is less concentrated than population and income suggesting a diffusive effect. Regression analysis is carried out using demographic, social, economic and infrastructure indicators. Finally we briefly describe the further developments of our research. At the present we are constructing a database containing domains registered by firms together with data about the registrants; the idea is to use this new database and the previous one in order to check for the existence of power laws both in the number of domains registered in each province and in the number of domains registered by each firm

    Il nuovo sistema di controllo sintattico Ver.1

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    Abstract available in italian onlyIn Italia la registrazione del "country code Top Level Domain" (ccTLD) \u27it\u27 e il servizio di assegnazione e mantenimento dei nomi a dominio ? svolto dalla Registration Authority (di seguito indicata come RA). Le attivit? del Registro vengono svolte dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) tramite l\u27Istituto di Informatica e Telematica (IIT) al quale IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) ora diventato ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) ha delegato il servizio sulla base di riconosciute competenze acquisite dai tecnici dello IIT che sono stati i promotori, a partire dagli anni \u2780 della diffusione del protocollo IP nell\u27ambiente della ricerca italiana [MRTV99]. Le procedure per la registrazione e la modifica dei Provider/Maintainer (P/M) e dei nomi a dominio prevedono l\u27invio, al Registro dello IIT, di una specifica documentazione descritta nelle Regole e Procedure Tecniche di registrazione [PTR202]. Questa documentazione ? soggetta a successive fasi di verifica effettuate, sia da sistemi automatici, che da operatori umani addetti al controllo di congruenza dei dati contenuti nei vari documenti. Nelle procedure attuali, la fase di verifica pi? consistente ? effettuata da un sistema automatico di controllo sintattico sui moduli elettronici inviati sia per la registrazione che per la modifica di un P/M o di un nome a dominio. In questo documento ? descritta questa fase di controllo sintattico ed in modo particolare ? descritto il nuovo sistema software che la implementa e che integra il sistema preesistente. I Moduli Tecnici inviati per la registrazione dei nomi a dominio nonch? gli oggetti mntner per la registrazione dei P/M sono inviati al Registro via posta elettronica all\u27indirizzo [email protected]. Ogni modulo (di seguito indicato genericamente con Modulo Elettronico) ? sottoposto ad una procedura automatica (di seguito indicata semplicemente come controllo sintattico) che esegue i controlli sintattici e semantici sui dati in esso contenuti e ne invia l\u27esito al P/M in un messaggio di posta elettronica

    Measuring and modelling Internet diffusion using second level

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    The last 10 years witnessed an exponential growth of the Internet. According to Hobbes' Internet Timeline , the Internet hosts are about 93 million, while in 1989 they were 100,000. The same happens for second level domain names. In July 1989 the registered domains were about 3,900 while they were over 2 million in July 2000

    Measuring and modelling Internet diffusion using second level domains: the case of Italy

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    The last 10 years witnessed an exponential growth of the Internet. According to Hobbes ' Internet Timeline 1, the Internet hosts are about 93 million, while in 1989 they were 100,000. The same happens for second level domain names. In July 1989 the registered domains were about 3,900 while they were over 2 million in July 2000. This paper reports about the construction of a database containing daily observations on registrations of second level domain names underneath the “it ” ccTLD 2 in order to analyse the diffusion of Internet among families and businesses. The section of the database referring to domains registered by individuals is analysed. Penetration rate over the relevant population of potential adopters are computed at highly disaggregated geographical level (province). A concentration analysis is carried out to investigate whether the geographical distribution of Internet is less concentrated than population and income suggesting a diffusive effect. Regression analysis is carried out using demographic, social, economic and infrastructure indicators. Finally we briefly describe the further developments of our research. At the present we are constructing a database containing domains registered by firms together with data about the registrants, the idea is to use this new database and the previous one in order to check for the existence of power laws both in number of domains registered in each province both in the number of domains registered by each firm

    Verso il sincrono: aspetti tecnici per i Registrar

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    In Italian onlyLa pubblicazione e\u27 incentrata sugli aspetti riguardanti l\u27introduzione del sistema sincrono di registrazione in particolar modo gli argomenti trattati riguardano gli aspetti tecnici per i Registra